Due to the rise of supercomputers with more and more processors, the study of parallel algorithms has become a fast-growing research field in the last decades. In the context of the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs), the complexity of the underlying phenomena (multiphysics formulation, high frequency wave propagation, long time scale, etc) often requires extremely fine space and/or time discretizations, which leads to very large systems. Iterative solvers are among the most efficient methods to tackle this type of problems.

This research school, which is exclusively dedicated to young researchers (PhD students, post-docs...), focuses on this research topic. The goal is to bring together young people working on iterative methods for PDEs, in order to offer them an opportunity to meet each other, to discuss their research works and also to initiate new collaborations. 

The scientific program of this two-day event is divided into four thematic blocks: Time Parallelism, Domain Decomposition, Krylov Methods and Multigrid Methods. Each block lasts half a day and is composed of an introductory mini-course on the topic, followed by two advanced presentations.


>> Call for posters ! <<
Feel free to propose a poster using the abstract submission tab. Posters will be widely accepted.
>> Important message ! <<
Please let us know if you have already registered but your name is not on the list, there could be an error of the system.
>> Book of Abstracts <<
Please check the Book of abstracts for further information of the presentations.


** April 9th **      Abstract submission deadline (mini-course/talk/poster).

** April 14th **    Notification of poster acceptance.

** April 28th **    Registration deadline for all participants. 


The registration for the research school is free of charge but mandatory.



Advanced presentations

  • Ikrom Akramov, Ph.D. student at Technische Universität Hamburg (Germany) slides
  • Roxane Atchekzai, Ph.D. student at Sorbonne Université (France) slides
  • Miranda Boutilier, Ph.D. student at Université Côte d'Azur (France) slides
  • Benjamin Carrel, Ph.D. student at Université de Genève (Switzerland) slides
  • Edoardo Centofanti, Ph.D. student at Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy) slides
  • Thibaut Lunet, Postdoctoral fellow at Technische Universität Hamburg (Germany) slides
  • Michal Outrata, Postdoctoral fellow at Virginia Tech (United States) slides
  • Edouard Timsit, Ph.D. student at Inria Paris & Sorbonne Université (France) slides


The conference will take place at Jacques-Louis Lions LaboratorySorbonne University, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris (France).


  • Bastien Chaudet-Dumas, Postdoctoral fellow at Université de Genève (Switzerland)
  • Liu-Di Lu, Postdoctoral fellow at Université de Genève (Switzerland)
  • Lucas Perrin, Ph.D. student at Inria Paris & Sorbonne Université (France)


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Credit: logo image borrowed from A. Heinlein's webpage.

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